3 Plumbers in Pasadena TX
Company Name: 3 Plumbers in Pasadena TX
Status: Active
State: Texas
Post: 77504
County: Harris
City: Pasadena
Address: 4207 Spencer Hwy, Pasadena, TX, USA
Phone: (281)683-0180
Fax: unknown
Email: 3plumbersinpasadena@gmail.com
Contact Business: 3 Plumbers in Pasadena TX
Web site: 3plumbersinpasadena.com
SIC code: 521110 Industry group: Building materials & hardware, Business category: Lumber & other building materials, Subcategory: Plumbing fixtures & supplies-new-retail
Overall: 3 Plumbers in Pasadena TX is a business categorized under lumber & other building materials, which is part of the larger category building materials & hardware. 3 Plumbers in Pasadena TX is located at the address 4207 Spencer Hwy, Pasadena, TX, USA in Pasadena, Texas 77504. The Business is 3 Plumbers in Pasadena TX who can be contacted at (281)683-0180.
Description: Residential plumbers in Pasadena, TX and commercial plumbing services, drain cleaning, whole-house repipes, water heaters, and 24-hour emergency plumbing. We do it all and we do it right, at an affordable price. We want to be your only plumber. Let us earn your business today.
Keywords: Residential plumbers in Pasadena, Commercial plumbing services, drain cleaning, whole-house repipes, water heaters
Keywords: Residential plumbers in Pasadena, Commercial plumbing services, drain cleaning, whole-house repipes, water heaters
Working hours: 24/7 Hours
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